Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Ulice M. H. Tromplaan 28 PSČ 57513 AB Mesto Enschede Kraj Štát Nizozemí Telefón +31 (0)88 - 019 3786 E-mail internationaloffice@saxion.nl Web www.saxion.edu Typ školy univerzita Certifikát školy ECTS Veľtrh Súbory na stiahnutie
Zoznam študijných programov
Applied Computer Science
Creative Media and Game Technologies
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Facility and Real Estate Management
Fashion and Textile Technologies
Hotel Management
Information and Communication Technology - Software Engineering
Innovative Textile Development
International Business
International Finance and Accounting
International Human Resource Management
Master of Arts in Management
Master of Business Administration
Master of Science in Nanotechnology
Software Engineering
Tourism Management