BOKU University
Ulice Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33 PSČ 1180 Mesto Vídeň Kraj Štát Rakousko Telefón +43 1 47654-10430 E-mail Ym9rdS5hYy5hdA==||=U3b5RTdr9mY Web BOKU Typ školy univerzita Certifikát školy Veľtrh 23mapa veľtrhuĎalšie informácie
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna BOKU is one of the best universities for sustainability in Europe and brings together scientific, technical and socio-economic topics. The focus in our research and teaching Conservation and development of protection for habitats and the economic market, as well as standards of living, management of natural resources and the environment and protecting food and health.
Súbory na stiahnutie
Zoznam fakúlt
Department of Agrobiotechnology, IFA-Tulln::BOKU, IFA, Gebäude 2, Konrad-Lorenz-Straße 20, , RakouskoDepartment of Material Sciences and Process Engineering (MAP)::BOKU, Muthgasse 18/VI, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards::BOKU, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82/III, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Sustainable Agricultural Systems::BOKU, Gregor-Mendel-Haus, Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33/II, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology (DAGZ)::BOKU Tulln, Universitäts- u. Forschungszentrum Tulln, Konrad Lorenz-Straße 24, , RakouskoDepartment of Food Science and Technology (DLWT)::BOKU, Armin-Szilvinyi-Haus, Muthgasse 18, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and Environment (WAU)::BOKU, Muthgasse 18/V, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Forest- and Soil Sciences::BOKU, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo)::BOKU, Guttenberg-Haus, Feistmantelstraße 4, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Crop Sciences (DNW)::BOKU, Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33,, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Bionanosciences (DBNS)::BOKU, Simon-Zeisel-Haus, Muthgasse 11/II, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research (DIBB)::BOKU, Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Chemistry (DCH)::BOKU, Muthgasse 18, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences::BOKU, Wilhelm-Exner-Haus, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82/DG, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology (DAGZ)::BOKU, Muthgasse 18, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Biotechnology (DBT)::BOKU, Muthgasse 18, Vídeň, RakouskoDepartment of Crop Sciences (DNW)::BOKU Tulln, Inge Dirmhirn Haus, Konrad Lorenz-Straße 24, , Rakousko
Zoznam študijných programov
UH 033 217 Bachelor programme Food Science and Biotechnology::Study services::BOKU
UH 033 219 Bachelor programme Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning::Study services::BOKU
UH 033 225 Bachelor programme Forestry::Study services::BOKU
UH 033 226 Bachelor programme Wood and Fibre Technology::Study services::BOKU
UH 033 227 Bachelor programme Environment and Bioresources Management::Study services::BOKU
UH 033 231 Bachelor programme Environmental Sciences and Civil Engineering::Study services::BOKU
UH 033 255 Bachelor programme Agricultural Sciences::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 223 Master programme Wildlife Ecology and Wildlife Management::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 416 Master programme Natural Resources Management and Ecological Engineering::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 417 Master programme Food Science and Technology::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 418 Master programme Biotechnology::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 419 Master programme Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 422 Master programme Phytomedicine::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 425 Master programme Forest Sciences::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 426 Master programme Wood Technology and Management::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 427 Master programme Environment and Bio-Resources Management::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 429 Master programme Mountain Forestry::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 431 Master programme Civil Engineering and Water Management::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 447 Master programme Water Management and Environmental Engineering::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 448 008 Master programme Limnology & Wetland Management::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 448 Master programme Applied Limnology::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 449 Master programme Environmental Sciences - Soil, Water, Biodiversity (ENVEURO)::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 450 European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics (Joint degree)::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 450 European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics (National degree)::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 451 Master programme Safety in the Food Chain::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 452 Master programme DDP MSc European Forestry::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 454 Master programme Horticultural Sciences::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 455 Master programme Plant Sciences::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 456 Master programme Livestock Sciences::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 457 Master programme Agricultural and Food Economy::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 457 Master programme Agricultural and Food Economy::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 471 Master programme Material and Energetic Exploitation of Renewable Raw Materials (NAWARO) - international Master programme Biomasstechnology::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 471 Master programme Material and Energetic Exploitation of Renewable Raw Materials (NAWARO)::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 472 International Master in Soils and Global Change (IMSOGLO)::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 477 Master programme Alpine Natural Dangers / Watershed Regulation::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 498 Master programme Viticulture, Enology and Wine Economics::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 500 Master programme Organic Agricultural Systems and Agroecology (AgrEco-Organic) und Organic Agricultural Systems and Agroecology (EUR-Organic)::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 501 Master programme Sustainability in Agriculture, Food Production and Food Technology in the Danube Region::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 502 Master programme Erasmus Mundus Master Program in Plant Breeding (emPLANT+)::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 519 Master programme Green Building Engineering::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 635 Master programme Climate Change and Societal Transformation::Study services::BOKU
UH 066 652 Master programme Green Chemistry::Study services::BOKU
UH 784 Doctoral studies of Social and Economic Sciences::Study services::BOKU
UH 788 Doctoral studies of Natural Resources and Life Sciences::Study services::BOKU
UH 794 755 PhD-Studium "Biomolecular Technology of Proteins (BioToP)"::Study services::BOKU
UH 794 760 Doctoral programme "International Graduate School in Nanobiotechnology (IGS-NanoBio)"::Study services::BOKU
UH 796 761 Doctoral programme Advanced Biorafineries: Chemistry and Materials (ABC & M)::Study services::BOKU
UH 796 762 Doctoral programme Bioprocess Engineering (BioproEng)::Study services::BOKU
UH 796 763 Doctoral programme Human River Systems in the 21st Century (HR21)::Study services::BOKU
UH 796 764 Doctoral programme Transitions to Sustainability (T2S)::Study services::BOKU
UH 796 765 Doctoral programme AgriGenomics::Study services::BOKU
UH 796 766 Doctoral programme Biomaterials and Biointerfaces (BioMatInt)::Study services::BOKU
UH 796 767 Doctoral programme Build like Nature: Resilient Buildings, Materials and Society (Build.Nature)::Study services::BOKU
UH 796 768 Doctoral programme Hazards and Risks in Alpine Regions under Global Change (HADRIAN)::Study services::BOKU
UH 796 769 Doctoral programme Social Ecology (DSSE)::Study services::BOKU